Social Affairs
Chair: Charlotta Steinwall - Industriarbetsgivarna, Sweden
CEI-Bois Coordination: François Sougnez
Within all companies, maintaining and improving the quality of the relations between employers and workers is a sine qua non condition to guarantee the company growth; both actors target the common objective of a sound company development.
More largely but similarly, at European level, the Social Dialogue represents the way to improve the European governance through the involvement of the social partners in decision-making and in the implementation process.
The EU Wood Sector Social Dialogue brings together the Wood Industry workers and employers from the EU member States, respectively represented by the European Federation of Building & Woodworkers (EFBWW) and CEI-Bois.
Recently, the Sector Trade Unions, The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) and CEI-Bois decided to organize common meetings under a Joint Sector Social Dialogue framework for debating common issues and addressing the EU Institutions common messages.
According to the above, the CEI-Bois Social Affairs WG aims to:
- Identify common areas of cooperation with the trade unions
- Promote and manage investigation and communication projects
- Contribute to the definition of the European Sector Social Dialogue Agenda
- Monitor relevant industrial relations-related issues
- Focus on concrete initiatives to improve the woodworking sector image in the eyes of the young generations