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Image by Bailey Alexander

RESILIENTWOOD: Anticipate changes, increase attractiveness, build skills and inclusiveness in the Woodworking Industries in times of crisis

The CEI-Bois led project, together with EFBWW, Woodwize and FCBA aims to offer recommendations to tackle specific challenges in the Woodworking Industries through strengthened social dialogue. The project focuses on the adaptation of the industry and its outlook after the Covid-19 crisis, including the adaptation needs linked to expected technological changes and the need to increase the attractiveness of the sector for skills attraction and retention, with special attention given to gender balance in the woodworking industries. Possible solutions to these challenges are investigated through a cooperation involving social partners and VET providers.

The project builds on a strong transnational dimension. The partners conduct research and collect data from 5 countries (BE, FR, HR, IT, SE) and the European sawmill sector, identify key findings, share best practices and propose strategies on how to tackle the above-mentioned social challenges of the woodworking industries in Europe. The project is further supported and implemented by EOS, the Croatian Wood Cluster, FILCA-CISL and the Swedish Union of Forestry, wood and graphical workers.



  1. Provide social partners with an overview of the latest developments of the woodworking sector in Europe, including the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as expected technological and organisational changes within woodworking companies.

  2. Stimulate the joint social partners’ discussion on 4 specific issues through dedicated workshops (Adaptation of the industry and outlook after the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis, gender equality in the industry, expected technological changes in the industry and adaptation needs, increasing the attractiveness of the sector through education).

  3. Develop recommendations and guidelines for companies, VET and public authorities to overcome the above-mentioned challenges, to be presented in the final report and final conference of the project.

  4. Disseminate results within and outside the membership base of the European social partners of the woodworking sector.



The project is co-funded by the European Union and is granted under the  Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) funding.


The European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois) : CEI-Bois represents 21 European and National organisations from 15 countries and is the body backing the interests of the whole industrial European wood sector: more than 180.000 companies generating an annual turnover of 152 billion euros and employing 1 million workers in the EU.

The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) : The EFBWW is a European trade Union Federation with members in the Building, Building Materials, Wood, Furniture, Forestry and allied sectors. The EFBWW represents blue and white collar workers from76 national trade unions in 34 countries.

The Institute of Technology Forêt, cellulose, bois-construction, ameublement (FCBA) : As an industrial technical centre, FCBA’s mission is to promote technical progress, to participate in the improvement of yield and to guarantee quality in the industry.  Its field of action covers the entire forestry-wood and furniture sectors : forestry, logging, sawmills, pulp and paper, wood-based panels, carpentry, structures, furniture, packaging and various products. It also works with various suppliers in these sectors. As a privileged partner of companies, FCBA is attentive to their technical and economic environment, to help them integrate technological innovations and adapt to the rapid evolution of markets.

Woodwize : Woodwize is the paritary sectoral organisation for wood and furniture sector in Belgium. WOODWIZE knows the Belgian timber and woodworking sector inside-out, and we’d love to pass this knowledge on to employers and workers, teachers and students! Our training courses, information sessions and professional services help to make this sector both sustainable and safe. Looking for someone to show you the ropes? No-one is better able to help than we are! Got any questions about Health & Safety when it comes to woodworking? WOODWIZE is the ideal place to get them answered!

The European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) : EOS consists of national sawmilling federations and associates members from 11 European countries, representing 80% of the EU sawnwood production.

The Croatian Wood Cluster (Hrvatski Drvni Klaster, CWC) : Croatian Wood Cluster is the oldest industrial cluster in Croatia, established in 2003 by following the bottom-up approach. CWC acts on the national level as a triple-helix organization, and has about 60 members from all sectors related to the forest-based industries value chain. Main objectives are enhancing sustainability and competitiveness of the sector, by encouraging innovations, investments, research, knowledge and technology transfer.

Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Costruzioni e Affini (FILCA-CISL) : Italian sectoral union representing construction, wood, cement, brick, marble and stone workers. It is affiliated to CISL (Italian Confederation of the Workers’ Unions) and represents around 243.000 workers in Italy. It is present in all provinces in Italy.

The Swedish Union of Forestry, wood and graphical workers (Facket för skogs-, trä- och grafisk bransch, GS). GS was established in 2009 and organizes workers in the forestry, woodworking and graphic industries in Sweden. 


Kick off meeting

14 September 2022 in Brussels

On occasion of the first meeting, the project representatives met to discuss the implementation of RESILIENTWOOD and the next steps in delivering the main objectives

Disclaimer: The content of this web page reflects only the authors' views, i.e. that of the partners of the RESILIENTWOOD project. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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